Meet Julie Chu

February 2023 Edition


Name: Julie Chu (She/Her)
BCITMA Position: VP of Schmoozapalooza

Why did you join the BCITMA?
"To challenge myself and grow my network.”

What does your role look like as a VP of your committee?
”BUSY. Lots of internal and external communication, I do a bit of everything while relying on my team.”

Do you have any experiences you would like to share from your time as a VP?
It's challenging but rewarding.”

How do you keep your personal and work/school life balanced?
You have to block off time for yourself and really stick by it. Balance is hard, and it's easy to overwork and justify it.”

Can you share what you’ve learned so far with BCITMA?
”Not really. I just interact with Kim and Erica mostly.”

Any tips or tricks you would like to share with Marketing students?
Have a bestie to hold you accountable and that you can also hold accountable!!”

What Would You Choose?

Tea or Coffee? BOTH

Favourite Color? Pastel colours and black

Dream Vacation Spot? Japan, Korea, Hawaii 

Favourite Snack? Anything I can get my hands on

Favourite Season? Summer

Favourite Song? Anything Lo-fi


“I love learning and retaining my child-like curiosity and energy. I think too often it becomes lost when we grow up but I think it's important to see the world with those eyes.”


“None that I can keep…


Want to learn more about the Schmooze committee? Find them here now and connect with Julie!


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