Meet Sahar Khawar

February 2023 Edition


Name: Sahar Khawar (she/her)
BCITMA Position: VP of Membership

Why did you join the BCITMA?
"Initially, I joined BCITMA as part of the Creative & Branding team because I wanted more experience creating visuals using tools such as photoshop. At the same time, I took on the role of Director of Membership because I wanted to be a part of being the first experience someone has had with BCITMA. Also, BCITMA for me was a great way to connect with others in the marketing program.”

What does your role look like as a VP of your committee?
”You can sum up my role into two main tasks: Constant emails and the use of excel spreadsheets! Conditional formatting, anyone?”

Do you have any experiences you would like to share from your time as a VP?
Since being a part of BCITMA, I've met some of the most incredible and most genuine people, which is partly what made me want to take on a VP role. As a VP, I've had the opportunity to explore my creativity through planning events such as Marketing Week. Although my time as a VP has been filled with highs and lows and downright stressful times, it's been a memorable experience that I will take away with me. Thank you to all the wonderful individuals who have made being a part of the BCITMA team so enjoyable.”

How do you keep your personal and work/school life balanced?
I am open to suggestions because I struggle to keep the balance on the daily.”

Can you share what you’ve learned so far with BCITMA?
”Planning and preparing go a long way, but it's important to expect the unexpected and be open and ready to go along with the unexpected changes.”

Any tips or tricks you would like to share with Marketing students?
Get involved. Network. Build each other up. Stay positive. Speak up. Ask questions. Stay curious. Keep it professional, but don't forget to have fun! Most importantly, be your own best advocate.”

What Would You Choose?

Tea or Coffee? Both?

Favourite Color? Changes based on my mood, but black is my go-to.

Dream Vacation Spot? Do I have to choose just one?

Favourite Snack? Dark chocolate, especially the salty kind.

Favourite Season? Summer/Winter

Favourite Song? Another hard one that I don’t have the answer to.


“Ask me in person. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. (:”


Want to learn more about the Membership committee? Find them here now and connect with Sahar!


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