Meet Nitin Lakha

February 2023 Edition


Name: Nitin Lakha
BCITMA Position: VP of Professional Development

Why did you join the BCITMA?
"I joined a club because I wanted to connect with like-minded individuals who share a common interest or passion. Joining a club provided me with the opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. Additionally, participating in club events helped me to develop my leadership abilities and gain valuable experience working on a team. Overall, being a part of a club has been a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for me.”

What does your role look like as a VP of your committee?
”My role as VP of Development is meeting with clients and scheduling them for events that help the marketing students gain a special skill and connect with people in the industry they are looking for.”

Do you have any experiences you would like to share from your time as a VP?
My experience as the Vice President of a club has been incredibly rewarding. I have had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of people who share a common interest or passion, and I have learned a lot about leadership, team-building, and event planning.

One of the most challenging aspects of my role has been coordinating meetings and events, but it was also the most rewarding. I have learned how to effectively communicate with members, plan and organize events and delegate tasks. This experience has helped me to develop my time management and project management skills, as well as my ability to work well under pressure.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role has been the opportunity to work with different organizations, which has allowed me to expand my network and gain valuable experience interacting with different people.

Overall, my experience as Vice President has been an extremely positive one. It has provided me with valuable experience in leadership, organization, and teamwork and has also been a lot of fun.”

How do you keep your personal and work/school life balanced?
Keeping a balance between personal and work/school life can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help. Prioritize: Make a list of your responsibilities and prioritize them based on importance. Focus on completing the most important tasks first, and leave less important tasks for later. -Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries between your personal and work/school life. Turn off your phone or email notifications when you're spending time with family and friends, and set specific times during the day when you will focus on work or school.

-Make time for yourself: Set aside some time each day for yourself to relax and recharge. This can include activities like exercise, reading, or meditation.
-Practice good time management: Use a calendar or planner to schedule your activities and deadlines, and break large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.
-Seek support: Don't be afraid to ask for help from family, friends, or colleagues if you're feeling overwhelmed.
-Communicate your needs: Communicate with your supervisor or professors about your schedule, and let them know if you're feeling overwhelmed.
-Take a Break : Take a break when you need it, whether it be a day off or a few minutes to yourself.

By following these strategies, you can find a balance between your personal and work/school life that works for you and make sure that you have time to focus on both your personal and professional goals.”

Can you share what you’ve learned so far with BCITMA?
”Being a part of a club has been a very enriching experience for me. I have had the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a common interest or passion. Through the club, I have learned many valuable skills and lessons that I can apply to both my personal and professional life.

One of the most important things I have learned is teamwork. Through working with others towards a common goal, I have learned how to effectively collaborate and communicate with others.

I have also had the opportunity to take on leadership roles within the club, which has helped me develop my leadership skills and confidence.

Communication has been another key skill I have developed through my experience in the club.

I have had to communicate with other members of the club, whether it be through meetings or group projects, which has helped me improve my communication skills. I have also had to plan and coordinate club activities, which has helped me develop my time management and planning skills.

Networking has been another important aspect of my experience in the club. I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with a diverse group of people, which has helped me build a network of contacts and expand my social circle.

Problem-solving has also been an important skill I have developed as I had to face challenges and obstacles within the club and learn how to solve problems and find solutions.

Overall, being a part of a club has been an incredibly valuable experience for me, and I have learned many valuable skills and lessons that I will carry with me throughout my life.”

Any tips or tricks you would like to share with Marketing students?
Stay up to date with industry trends: Marketing is constantly changing, so it's important to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the field. This could include reading industry publications, attending conferences, or following thought leaders on social media.

Develop a strong understanding of data analysis and digital marketing: Marketing is becoming increasingly data-driven, so it's important to develop a strong understanding of data analysis and digital marketing tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Hootsuite, etc.

Be creative: Marketing is all about standing out from the crowd, so it's important to think outside the box and come up with creative and innovative ideas.

Learn from real-world experience: Get as much hands-on experience as possible by taking on internships, participating in case studies, or working on real-world projects.

Network: Building relationships with other marketing professionals is a great way to learn about new opportunities and gain valuable insights into the industry.

Learn to create a marketing plan: Learn to create a marketing plan that includes the target market, budget, marketing strategies, and metrics to measure success.

Develop a personal brand: Learn how to develop a personal brand, and create a personal website and social media accounts, this could help you to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

Be adaptable: The marketing landscape is constantly changing, so it's important to be adaptable and willing to learn new skills and technologies as they emerge.

By following these tips and tricks, marketing students can gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the field and set themselves up for a successful career in marketing.”

What Would You Choose?

Tea or Coffee? Coffee

Favourite Color? Midnight Green

Dream Vacation Spot? Bora Bora

Favourite Snack? Rice Krispies

Favourite Season? Summer

Favourite Song? Sativa by Jhene Aiko


“I have a passion for acting and theatre and have been featured in several shows and movies on Netflix.”


“Stay consistent in diet and working out.”


Want to learn more about the Professional Development committee? Find them here now and connect with Nitin!


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