VP Spotlight

March Edition


Name: Mika Asano
BCITMA Position: VP of Community Relations
Interviewer: Nathan Hoffman, Communications Committee

What drove you to join the BCITMA?
"I started this program fresh out of high school so I was looking for something to give me more marketing experience”.

Being the VP of Community Relations, what duties do you perform?
”Weekly emails to members, weekly meetings, going over upcoming events, a big one - BC schizophrenia society”.

Community Relations is all about volunteer work and bettering the community, What has been the most rewarding moment while in your VP role?
Too many! During the winter break, I tried to cram as many volunteer experiences. A big one was with the Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation”.

How does the Community Relations Committee decide what events to hold? Is it a lengthy process?
Not lengthy at all because my committee is full of the best people ever, at the beginning of the year we brainstormed tons of ideas, unfortunately, most of them got cancelled due to covid, but we try to volunteer most weekends if we’re free with places like Big Brother, just an out of the blue, if your free type deal”.

As you’re nearing the end of your program, what would you say has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned?
”The most valuable thing I’ve learned is that you shouldn't get stressed with the amount of work”.

How do you balance your school life and personal life, given the extensive workload at BCIT?
”I'm one of those people who have a colour-coded calendar where I schedule homework, working out, classes, and of course, my Mika time where I do no schoolwork”.

What would your dream job be?
“I am really interested in digital marketing, but I want to do more with marketing because marketing tells a story and it’s our job to tell that story”.

Speed Round

Go-to streaming service? Netflix

Coffee or Tea? Tea

Night In or Out? Night in 

Favourite Sushi dish? Plain salmon don

Summer or Winter? Summer

Favourite Band? Cage the elephant 

Your Dream Vacation Spot? Japan

Favourite Movie? Sing


Name: Lara Bragan
BCITMA Position: VP of Sponsorship
Interviewer: Nathan Hoffman, Communications Committee

What inspired you to join the BCITMA?

“I know people who have taken this program and they mentioned that the BCITMA is a great place to meet like-minded people who are trying to strive to be the best that they can be”.

As VP of sponsorship, what are the duties that you perform?

“I manage the sponsorship team and guide the team in how to navigate the club. The interesting thing about sponsorship is that it’s a lot of outreach, so helping to build up the confidence of the team to reach out and try to make connections, show them the ropes, and cheer them on!”

What do you hope to achieve in your last year with the BCITMA?

“Going into this year I really wanted to get some funding in for the BCITMA. I wanted to practice my leadership skills and become a good leader. I really wanted to create a club that wasn't just about sponsorship, I really enjoy hearing what the first years are up to and giving advice”.

What is your most memorable experience so far with the BCITMA?

“At the beginning of the year, I wasn't aware that I had to make a sponsorship application to send to the school of business until three weeks before it was due. I was really nervous because we asked for quite a bit of money, and I was so excited when I got the email saying we’d been approved”.

You recently launched the mentorship pilot program, what was your favourite part of building this program?

“Working with Tamiya! We were never in the same set last year but we were both set reps — we never got to work together but I think we make a really good team! It’s also been really nice to meet some of the first years and pass down helpful advice”.

What is one piece of advice you can give to first-year students about managing the extensive workload at BCIT?

“Plan in advance! Make to-do lists, Google calendars, and stay on top of modules and assignments. Also, looking ahead to see what’s coming up in the next week. Being a self-starter is something I would encourage people to do, booking office hours when you’re struggling, or if you have questions and then bringing that information back to your team. Ask a lot of questions!”

Speed Round

Dogs or cats? Dogs

Spring or fall? Fall

Favourite streaming platform? Amazon Prime and Crave

Favourite Brand? Nike

Morning person or Night owl? Night owl

Guilty pleasure snack? Ice Cream/ DQ ice cream cake

Dream vacation spot? South Africa or the Philippines


Name: Olivia Barwin
BCITMA Position: VP of Operations
Interviewer: Kathryn Ryan, Communications Committee

How can students succeed at BCIT?

“My biggest tips for succeeding at BCIT is to have things all laid out and organized at the start of term. I print out hard copies of all course outlines and compile a master list of all deadlines colour coded in excel. I strongly recommend that students visit office hours, this helps you to ensure you’re on the right track, and provides you with rare one-on-one time with your instructors. Having them know your name goes a long way!”

What inspired you to join the BCITMA?

“During my first year at BCIT, I wasn’t a part of the BCITMA.  I didn’t know exactly which committee I wanted to be a part of. I had many classmates who were part of the MA and spoke very highly of the club. The VP of Operations role really spoke to me and I am glad I perused the opportunity.”

What tasks does your job as VP of Operations entail?

“With the addition of Covid my role has evolved; I would usually have the tasks of coordinating logistics for AMA conferences, and the CASE competition in Chicago, but with Covid-19 restrictions this aspect has been put on the back burner.   As the VP of Operations, I have been coordinating and facilitating all general and exec meetings, satisfaction surveys, info sessions, and the upcoming executive elections in April, which I am really excited for!  I also oversee the Drive and calendar to ensure the right communications are filed accordingly, and that the calendar is up to date. No day is the same in this role.”

If you weren’t in HR what would you be studying?

“Probably Marketing and Communications. I started out in Marketing Tourism, and my background is in hospitality and tourism management.  Communications and HR kind of go hand in hand, so this is a good fit for me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“In 5 years, I see myself working in Human Resources, hopefully in a management or leadership position. I would love to work in the film industry, and I am so excited to see what the future holds!”

What is one fun fact about you that not many people know?

“One thing the MA may not know about me is that I love being on the water. Whether that's swimming, kayaking, canoeing, or boating! I am lucky enough to access the beautiful Pacific Ocean and I never take that for granted! “

What is your best interview/networking tip?

“Interview: Always thoughtful ask questions at the end, questions that can help the interviewer imagine you in that role.  Always try and negotiate your salary!”

“Networking: Understanding what you are bringing to the table for the person you are networking with, and how this meeting can also benefit them.  Explain why you want to meet with the person, clear intentions are key. If networking makes you nervous, challenge yourself.  There is something to be said about the BCIT alumni, and the support they give to current BCIT students.”

What would you say to someone who is considering joining the BCITMA?

“Do it!  Find a committee that really speaks to you, consider your strengths and how you could be a great asset to the BCITMA.  Joining the MA was one of the best decisions of my BCIT career, the friends connections you make are truly priceless”.


Pasta or Pizza? Pasta

IG, TIKTOK, or FB? Instagram

Last book you read? Alias Grace – Margaret Atwood 

Favourite song? Oh Children-Nick Cave and the Bad Seats 

Favourite Brand? Olive Clothing or Toyota

Favourite Holiday? Halloween

Favourite Snack? Frozen grapes and popcorn

Favourite Movie? Ocean's trilogy. 

Favourite Holiday Location? Puerto Escondido, Mexico

Fill in the blank: the BCITMA is “an amazing opportunity”


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