Member of the month: Darlene Laureano

February Edition


Name: Darlene Laureano
BCITMA Position: First Year Director of Creative & Branding
Interviewer: Shayne Azurin, Communications Committee


What are your New Year's resolutions?

“My New Year's resolution is to have a higher grade for my courses, specifically Economics”.

What inspired you to be a part of the BCITMA? 

“I gravitated towards the idea of having more connections and the opportunities that come with being a part of the club”.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

 “I see myself with a more stable career, and I am hoping to move to British Columbia from Yukon to experience more life in Vancouver”.

What would be your dream job?

“My dream job used to be a creative director, but I’m currently unsure and am hoping to figure it out after the diploma program”.

What is your motivation to stay on track with school?

“My motivation to stay on track is how enjoyable the program is compared to my experience with Psychology. I feel like I fit in this Marketing program more than anything else”.

What made you choose Marketing?

“I chose marketing because I have always had a creative side but I never knew where to really do with it. My family has a background in Marketing and Business; I was given an opportunity to work as a social media coordinator for them which sparked my interest in this program”.

If you weren’t in the Marketing program, what other program would you take and why?

“I always loved painting and drawing so I would've gone for the graphic design program, had I not chosen to pursue marketing. I applied to the graphic design program last year and got accepted, but I decided on Marketing because I think I can do more with it”.

What part do you enjoy the most as a First-Year Director? What are your main tasks?

“My main tasks are to help the vice president with any request that comes in for the committee and reach out to other members with taking in requests. I enjoy the connection with the vice president as well as the learning opportunities that have been given to me”.

How do you manage your work-life balance?

“I try to balance life, but it is a bit tough. I write out schedules for work and school and I make sure to set boundaries on assignments, work, and projects for myself. I also try to take one day off on weekends to have time to myself and talk to friends”.

What second-year option are you most interested in and what are you hoping to learn?

“My first option is Marketing Communications and I am hoping to learn more about the digital marketing portion and the job options I can do”.


Cats or Dogs? Dogs

Coffee or Tea? Coffee

Netflix or Crave TV? Netflix

Morning Person or Night Owl? Night owl

Summer or Winter? Winter

Go to Bubble Tea Flavour? Milk tea with pearls and sometimes coconut jelly

Most used App? Instagram

Favourite Brand? Alexander McQueen

Favourite Color? Blue

Favourite Holiday? Christmas

Favourite Snack? Miss Vicky Salt and Vinegar Chips

Favourite Movie? The Notebook 

Favourite Vacation Spot? Thailand


Celebrate your achievements


VP Spotlight: Rachel Loucks