Clubs Day 2020

Due to COVID-19, the Annual Kick Start Clubs Day adapted to an online platform. There were four main events that were strategically planned to fall during times that worked for students across the globe. We met with prospective students over Zoom calls and talked through what the BCITMA was and answered any questions that they may have had. 

The virtual booths gave us an opportunity to connect with students on a new level. We had the chance to talk to students one-on-one in a private session about specific committees or general questions. Through this experience we gained many new members; as well as met with students from many different programs at BCIT like power engineering and computer science technology. 

Overall, the Annual Kick Start Clubs Day Virtual Booths were a success. This led us to gain new members, increase the knowledge of the Marketing Association throughout BCIT, and talk to prospective students. 


BCIT Marketing Management Award Winners 2020


A Club’s Perspective