Member of the month: Olivier Bernal

January Edition


Name: Olivier Bernal
BCITMA Position: Sponsorship Committee Member
Interviewer: Krystel Cisnero, VP of Communications

What inspired you to be a part of the BCITMA?

“I had spoken to people who were in the marketing management program, as well as the BCITMA, and they both gave me one tip which was to join a club. They said to get involved so I did my research on the BCITMA and it seemed like the club to be in if you’re in the marketing program. I was definitely inspired by them to give it a shot!”

What are your duties as a member of the Sponsorship Committee?

“During the first term, we focused primarily on reaching out to potential donors for in-kind donations so things like merch, gift cards, and anything that could be used in thank you packages to guest speakers or other event volunteers. This term we’re focusing on monetary donations which means reaching out to larger local companies. As a Sponsorship Committee member, we mainly reach out to people and work to establish a relationship where we can help each other out.”

What has been your favourite part about being on the Sponsorship Committee?

“Starting at BCIT I had my group of friends in my set but joining the MA allowed me to meet random people who I’ve grown to enjoy working with. I was able to branch out of my comfort zone and build a new network of people that I can run into in the hallways and have a conversation with. It’s been nice to have more people I can go to for advice and ask questions about classes as well.”

What would be your dream job?

“I would really like to work in the food and beverage industry and to work with brands outside of Canada. Marketing a product in Canada is completely different than how you would in somewhere like Latin America, I think it’s fascinating that you could be promoting the same box of cereal but differently depending on the location of your audience. If not that, then working for Anheuser-Busch, the beer giant, to see how they buy local craft beers to add to their portfolio and how they balance large brands with smaller local breweries.”

If you were to recommend the BCITMA to someone, what would be the main highlights that you would share?

“The sense of a community within your committee and having that ability to go to them for advice. It’s nice to have a support group and a mentor within your committee. Also, being part of the MA is a great thing to add to your resume outside of just earning your diploma”

How are you adjusting to a virtual class setting, do you notice any zoom fatigue?

“The first week was rough, I found myself easily distracted and grabbing my phone every two seconds when I wouldn’t be doing that in an in-person setting. Aside from that, it’s actually helped me become more organized because I don’t have to worry about commuting anywhere. I know my schedule and I don’t have to stress about being late. I have my time organized since being online but I do miss having lunch with my friends in the SA and even just interacting with people in-between classes.”

What is the biggest life lesson you have learned throughout your time at BCIT?

“Give things a chance and then make a decision. Don’t make assumptions and just enjoy the experience.”


Cats or Dogs? 

Coffee or Tea? 

Netflix or Crave TV? 

Most used App? 

Favourite Brand?
Bud Light

Favourite Summer Activity? 
Going to the beach

Favourite Snack? 
All-dressed chips

Favourite Movie? 
Napoleon Dynamite

Favourite Vacation Spot? 


VP Spotlight: Rachel Loucks


Interview tips with Jelly Marketing